E-commerce is evolving every day, but customer service tends to be the last area to catch up. A recent study notes that 79% of consumers want human-driven customer service. Furthermore, of those same consumers surveyed, 74% said that they were more loyal to businesses offering an option to speak to a human vs businesses that only offer online, self-service channels.

Let’s face it, we’re all fluent enough Googlers to find a business’ hours, address, website, etc. but when you have a genuine concern or problem with an order, it’s just easier to address it with another person who can make sure that the situation is resolved to your satisfaction. 54% of those surveyed see investment in new technology intended to improve customer service as a positive thing, as long as they can still reach a human when they want to. There is even a website dedicated to helping you track down those phone numbers, www.gethuman.com. The site lists company phone numbers for a variety of businesses to aid in your quest to connect with a human. Companies that understand the life cycle of a sale doesn’t end with the consumer clicking the buy button are better prepared to succeed.

At Fulfillment.com (FDC), every part of our business is designed to help our clients thrive. This is reflected in everything we do, from our proprietary dashboard that lets clients see their inventory, returns, and more in real time, to something as seemingly minor as employee titles. When you sign on as an Fulfillment.com client, you don’t just get an account executive, you get a Success Manager, because that is exactly what their job entails…ensuring your success! If you’re tired of automated phone lines, chatbots, and just not being appreciated as a client in general, give us a call today to see how we can help you succeed!

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