[Music]  Welcome to FDCs ecomm education vlog, my name is Justin Christensen the Co-founder and President  of Conversion Fanatics and the number  one best-selling author of Conversion Fanatic: How to double your customer sales and profits with a/b testing and  today I wanted to talk about the anatomy breakdown of what goes into creating an effective product page on your ecommerce store. Now we're in the world of Shopify and we're in the world of all of these other elements but a few of the key things that you need to pay attention to are first, very high quality professionally taken product images and  the more the better. So the problem we have with e-commerce is that we don't have the luxury of people coming in and trying on our product or touching and feeling it and holding it and experiencing it before they make that buying decision. So we need to take the best approach that we can to let them experience it through the images so show the image or,  show the product from all angles, show comparison size of the product, show people you know wearing the  product or using the product the more  that you can provide that to them the  better off you're gonna be. The next step is do a clear and concise title of the product, don't give be gimmicky or you know sales are you're  tricky just tell them exactly what this  product is next is if you have reviews  on the page be sure to highlight those  reviews up near the title. You know a  star rating usually in gold, take a page  out of Amazon things like that but then move on to a very short description and  don't talk about too much of the  features of the product but tell exactly  what that product is going to do leading  with the benefits of those products, then  make sure we have a very simple and easy  to consume and easy to digest and easy  to use  selection option so if you have size and  color breakdowns and things like that  don't be tricky in that process you know  make it very simple for your  visitors to select and know that they  need to make that selection next or  first before they can move on to the  next step. Another thing that you can do is or one  thing you should be doing is make sure  that you have a very strong contrasting  big bold call-to-action button that  helps lead that visitor down the next  path you can also leverage things like  your guarantee shipping times you know, security , you know satisfaction guarantee, made in  the USA all of these other things but  leverage them as icons because people on  the product pages don't necessarily read  so the shorter breakdowns that you can  have on your paragraphs and the imagery and things like that the better off  you're gonna be. Next below on for a little bit further  down on the page make sure that you are  recommending additional products. Another  way to really ramp up your average order  value is to actually create bundles you  know take a page right out of Amazon and  say frequently bought together you can  actually create bundles on that specific  page and we've seen up to 30 or 40 percent increase in average order value, just by giving them an additional complimentary product for sale directly  on that page. So hey buy the bundle you want to buy this product but why don't you just buy this bundle instead and  save 10% or whatever you can do to  incentivize them to push them down but  next break it down a little bit further  by your product description and features  and you know maybe a little bit more  about your guarantee and anything you  can do and then have your reviews break  down further on the page then on mobile  one thing that people don't pay  attention to is they have a mobile  responsive site so they just think  they're good. Well in fact you're not  good the way things stack up  specifically on stores like Shopify is  the theme doesn't always stack things in  the right order so on mobile make sure  that you have your title and your  reviews above the image. Chances are that  will help increase your results. Show the  images, have an easy breakdown on mobile  with a carousel the image not too big  allow them to zoom, mouse over zoom, something incredibly effective versus a  click to zoom and then make sure your  call-to-action and your and stuff is up  higher on the page so it's a very easy  to see if you can get it above the fold  the better off you're gonna be there. So  that's just a few tips that I have to  make an effective product detail page. Be  sure that you're testing those elements  and not just making the changes and if  you have any questions feel free to  reach out to me. Myself and my team are  happy to help and help you get more  results out of your product detail pages. Thanks for watching  [Music]

Justin Christianson
Conversion Fanatics

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