Justin Singletary: This is Justin Singletary from Fulfillment. com. Welcome to another episode of the Fulfilled Podcast. We're back with another great episode. Today, I sit down with the founder and CEO of Living Fuel, KC Craichy. I love that name, by the way. 

KC Craichy: Thank you. 

Justin Singletary: I'm not going to be forgetting it. So KC, I'm really excited to have you on.

You were introduced by a mutual friend, James, and he's really been talking a big game about you and your product and a little bit about your story. But I wanted to bring you on because our audience is really eager to hear about successful e-commerce brands and how they became a success. More importantly, really, where they came from, what type of story led them to the success today?

So I want to ask you, what do you want people to know about Living Fuel Super Meals? Cause you're the founder of that company, correct? 

KC Craichy: Yes. 

Justin Singletary: Awesome. 

KC Craichy: So we make the highest end nutrition that exists. So it's the only thing that exists. You could live on for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and not need any other food.

You know that, that, and water. It's a, it's all you need. 

Justin Singletary: That's all you need. 

KC Craichy: All you need. So, so that's the thing that we don't tell people, Hey, buy our stuff and don't buy any other food. Yeah. But if you do want to maximize your health and you want to take the influence of what you've been putting in your body away and use Living Fuel. We have something called the fuel fast where people will, you know, do fuel for a one meal a day for two days and then two meals a day for two days and then three meals a day for however long they want to go.

You know, it's, it's, it's probably the most extreme nutrition that their body's ever been encountered and the highest end, the most, the most extraordinary forms of nutrients, the whole bit where it can radically impact your health in a very short period of time. Not to mention weight optimization, but the feedback we get from our customers over the 23 years we've been in business is that, you know, improvement in digestion, elimination, hair, skin, nails, and energy and weight optimization. So, 

Justin Singletary: Wow, that's exciting. How did you come up with this formula? How did you figure out how to have something to to sell that it is really it seems like a complete system? 

KC Craichy: Yeah, it wasn't so so I was married many years ago and my wife came down with panic attacks and clinical depression, suicidal thoughts and doctors were really screwed up with Xanax and Zoloft and psychotherapy. And she was, she was making her a mess A lot of people watching right now have experienced that for themselves or a family member trying to get the magic bullet and take a couple pills and get rid of these, these situations.

But it was really making her worse. So at one point I had to make a point, I was going to dive into the literature and I wasn't coming out without an answer. And so over a 10 year period of research and trial and error, my company was born, my best selling books were born and, and she hadn't had a drug in 25 years.

So, that was a, you know, just a radical change really through nutrition. And I thought we could get there, but nutrition was one of the things that I discovered in that, in that journey. And my books are based on 7 areas, hydration, nutrition, exercise, stress, sleep, environmental hazards, and meditation and prayer.

So this all matters. It all matters in a profound level. And so if you, if you just don't believe it, then just don't sleep for the next few nights and see how well your life is going across the board. You know, so all of them have very, very strong impacts on your health and most people right now are literally deficient in 4 of the 7.

So if you, if you go to all 7 and you score yourself on a 1 to 10 and anything you have less than a 7, you know, that's an area where you should focus because that will have a potentially radical impact on improving your health. 

Justin Singletary: Wow. So it sounds like balance. You've got to have the balance.

KC Craichy: What a concept. What a concept. 

Justin Singletary: So things have to be in order. Yeah. What a concept. And I love that you mentioned, prayer and meditation. I'm assuming meditation on the word? 

KC Craichy: Of course, but you know, meditation is, is, designed by God, you know, and the people who use it to meditate on foo foo stuff, that's, that's a counterfeit.

That's all it is, you know? So meditation is a very powerful and effective tool. As long as you're, I mean, even if you're focusing on your breaths, that's a good thing. As long as what you're doing is founded on the source of all life, which is Jesus Christ himself. 

Justin Singletary: So, these books that you've written, can you, if somebody wants to learn more about these techniques and these things that, that you've found to, to help their lives become, I guess, more fulfilled, what are the names of these books?

KC Craichy: Well, the one I would recommend is The Super Health Diet, The Last Diet You'll Ever Need, which pretty much has all of it in there. You know, The Super Health Diet, The Last Diet You'll Ever Need. 

Justin Singletary: Awesome. So I want to ask you, since you've, you've got, it seems like a lot of education on balance, what is your daily routine look like?

What what's balancing your life look like? If you can just walk us through from when you wake up and you, when you go to sleep. 

KC Craichy: Well, the first, first piece is, spending some time with the Lord and his word and you know, that's, you know, maybe have a cup of tea or a cup of coffee. A lot at that time, a lot of, a lot of people can relate to that.

And then, you know, then reading something educational. Even, even beyond the word, you know, something educational in business or in nutrition or in health or whatever it is that I'm trying to, to know more about. And I think you need to, you need to be, if you're going to get involved in something, you need to be expert and it takes. Right now, these days, the speed of information is faster than ever in history.

So you can literally get very solid science based books and books on tape and videos and so on, where you can increase your, your knowledge. So radically that you can actually bring some expertise to somebody else. You know, so, so that, that to me, I always recommend people will become, I mean, a lot of times now I actually even train doctors in various things on, on super health nutrition and that's our super, super food nutrition.

 And that is coming from an area where I've been doing this now for 25 years. And so just learning on a daily basis from the resources that are available and many studies and many books and all that sort of thing. You know, you can, you can absorb this information into your life and become your own doctor.

And that's what I do recommend. But I, I, I will teach you some things I've learned and it'll be a great shortcut for you. But ultimately I think people should learn themselves because what's more important than, than being in balance in the cross, the areas we're talking about now. 

Justin Singletary: I completely agree. And I, and you know, when you're out of balance in one of those areas, you feel it, potentially, but it sometimes you can't identify how to solve the problem.

KC Craichy: Right.

Justin Singletary: So yeah, that's good. Let me ask you. I I I read something about the the phrase "plus it". Can you tell me more of maybe the important of importance of plus it in your products? And in your customer experience? When I was reading the rep with the website, I saw the phrase plus it". Like, is that something that you had in your About Us page as far as plussing up the product or plussing up the, the customer experience?

KC Craichy: Yeah. This is plus. So just, just the products that we have that are plus are basically everything that we, we, we, you think you know about it plus some things you don't know about. You know, so I don't know a particular phrase you're talking about on the, on the site, but that, that the ones that are on the product, that will be, this name of a product and it has a plus that just means it goes beyond it. 

Justin Singletary: Gotcha. How long have you had these products? How long have you been selling them? 

KC Craichy: 23 years. 

Justin Singletary: Wow. So people have been taking potentially, did you have some clients that have been taking them that long? 

KC Craichy: Yes, we do. 

Justin Singletary: Wow. 

KC Craichy: Plenty. 

Justin Singletary: So plenty of those. So you've gotta have some great testimonials on something like this to be able to 

KC Craichy: Tremendous.

Justin Singletary: Get busy. Absolutely. So what's, what's the next, I guess the next phase of this company, of, of this superfood, type of company? Are you gonna stay the course? Do you have any, some, any, any exciting news of something coming up with ?

KC Craichy: We're always developing new products or, or making products better, and that's, that's really. See, our products are leading edge. Then if you find out there in the marketplace. They always say that, copying is the, is the ultimate form of flattery, right? I never have felt flattered when people copy my stuff.

Okay. But apparently that's, that's what people said. So there's a lot of products out there that say a lot of things that our products do, but the products that say it don't do it. And that's really a sad thing. So what people don't realize is that so many things we got to focus on our lives. You hear about, there's so many things that are confusing.

Like, you should, you should fast and you should, you know, be keto and you should do, you know, people, people don't know how to incorporate all of that in their life and then which vitamins you need and which forms of vitamins you need and all that sort of thing. It's really tricky. But one of the things that even the doctors that, that I give talks to sometimes they, they don't get. Is that most people have no idea that they're deficient and the series I'm teaching is called Nutrify or Die, okay? And so what you don't realize is there's a number of things that are absolutely essential for your life. Essential vitamins, essential minerals, essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, the list goes on.

So if you are deficient or in any of those, ultimately death is what's the result. And, and so I hate to sound morbid, but the truth is that my people perish for lack of knowledge. And so if you don't know and you don't focus on things like potassium. So I always say, so what, what's a great source of potassium?

Most people have an answer for that. What would you say? 

Justin Singletary: Bananas. 

KC Craichy: Banana. Everyone, everyone says bananas. So I say, have you had your 15. 6 bananas today? You know, and if you have, you probably bordering on a sugar coma, you know what I'm saying? So, so that wouldn't be the way to get your potassium. So the best way to get potassium is, you know, 10 servings of leafy vegetables, leafy greens in a day.

Justin Singletary: Yeah. 

KC Craichy: Something like that. You know, but Living Fuel, for instance, my company, our products are the highest source of food potassium there is. 

Justin Singletary: Amazing. 

KC Craichy: You know, second would be like avocado and third would be the greens and, and, and that sort of thing. So banana is not even nearly on the list. It's only 350 milligrams and you need 5, 000 milligrams of potassium in a day.

That means you have to focus on getting enough potassium and the potassium sodium, sodium potassium pump is the reason your heart beats and the reason that your energetic systems even work. So people don't realize that they're walking around very deficient in potassium, magnesium to that list. And when people have heart palpitations, things along those lines, most of the time, the deficiency and those really important electrolyte minerals are the reason, or at least at the root.

Justin Singletary: That's good. Have you ever done a study? I'm sure you have, but on parasites, on, on parasites, actually taking the, the, nutrition that you should be getting. 

KC Craichy: Yeah. So, so parasites are something that people don't realize it. Matter of fact, a lot of research is now suggesting that cancer and parasites are connected and that, that you treat cancer like a parasite and you actually get more, more results than if you treat it like they eventually treat it, treat cancer.

So there's a lot of ways to treat parasites, but eating sugar is a terrible way. It's a great way to grow them in your body. That's what people don't realize is that this is one of the things we've got to pay attention to. But there's so many ways to get parasites and very few ways to learn to get rid of them.

So there are some protocols. My wife is a commission on medicine, I'm sorry, an integrated medicine practitioner. So she does a lot of that, but, but it is really an important area. That's why you think things like ivermectin. Those sort of things are actually tremendous antiparasitics. 

Justin Singletary: That's great. So my wife this morning sure, she served me a shot glass of wheat grass. She had taken the wheat that we have cause we, we, actually mill our own grain and she put the wheat into a jar and, and, and then she put it into a big, I guess black tray. And eight days later, you know, it's, it's six inches tall.

And and it's it's it's just wild how it works out that in eight days It seems like that's when the wheat grass is the most nutritious and she cut it down. 

KC Craichy: That's called the the jointing phase. In other words wheat grass has is basically wheat. But you don't you're not allergic to wheat grass, whereas you might be allergic to wheat.

It's really fascinating nutrition. So and it's really fascinating how God designed all that stuff. 

Justin Singletary: It's amazing. Just trying to get as much chlorophyll as possible in her body. 

KC Craichy: The chlorophyll basically is like the blood of a plant. So that's where us highly magne, magnesium is the primary thing in that.

And so it's really important, but there's also other minerals that you get from that. 

Justin Singletary: That's awesome. So you've been around with these products for 20 years. If, is there any advice that you would give somebody that's trying to create a brand, an e-commerce brand, that's, not just something that they just fly by night and you're trying to make some money on, but something that would be lasting something that, there'll be around 20 years from now. Is there any advice you would give them? 

KC Craichy: Yeah, I, I certainly can. When, when my eldest son graduated high school, he said, "Pop, I want to be in business." He was working in my customer service division and that sort of thing, learning, learning businesses. What can I do myself? I said, create, find a problem you're dealing with and solve it in a way that will solve other people's problems too.

And so, so what he did, he said, well, like what I said, well, you got acne on your face and acne on your back. What are you going to do about that? So what can be done, done about that? I said, well, I have numerous research studies and books that will show you, the, the, the physiology of that and how to deal with it.

And you can come up with a solution. And so he literally took all the books out of my library and will bury them to his room and, and consumed all of them. Then he ended up writing a book, became a best selling author on a book called, uh, Winning the War on Acne. I think it was called Face It: Winning the War on Acne.

And then he created an acne product and sold the acne product and that sort of thing. So, yeah, so find something that, that solves something in your, your family or your life. And then, then other people are dealing with the same kind of stuff, you know, so that's a great way to get started, you know, and, and distribution, and I know you're into fulfillment and such.

So. So I, I generally try to tell people, there are a lot of people that are way better at some parts of your business than you are. And so fulfill is one of them. You know, there's, there's, there are people who know how to do fulfillment and warehousing, fulfillment, shipping, pick and pack, all those sort of things that you can hire for your business that are way better than you could ever be at that business.

Cause that's been their focus. So I used to teach outsourcing a lot. I now just do it. And so I suggest people find the pieces of their business that are really done well by, by other companies and, and try to piece them in a particularly when you're starting your 


Justin Singletary: That's really good advice. I I've always known, don't go to a dentist for a haircut, you know, you need to find who's best at that and then outsource that absolutely on the same page. And just on the note of Fulfillment.com was born from a problem as well. I was selling products online. Couldn't find a good fulfillment solution. So, the same thing. It seems like these good companies, a lot of them have been born because there was a problem that was solved in those founders lives. So it seems like that that's exactly what happened with, with your company as well.

KC Craichy: Necessity is the mother of invention. 

Justin Singletary: You got it. You got it. Well, as far as who's been maybe the, the biggest role model for you, is there somebody that you look to? I mean, at this point, it seems like you are, you are somebody that, that somebody would look to and get advice from, is there somebody in your life that you're turned to whenever you're trying to solve problems?

KC Craichy: You know, I've had a number of mentors in a 

number of different areas of my life, and I do recommend you. You find somebody who's good at what you want to be, you know, and, and, and ask him to mentor you. And, and one of the things I recommend to people is when you, when you ask someone to mentor you, don't ask them for anything other than to be mentored.

Justin Singletary: Yeah. 

KC Craichy: So, so a lot of times when I, when I've mentored people over the years, I said, listen, I'm not calling you. You got to make a, arrangements to speak to me, call me, tell me your calendar, that sort of thing. And you'd be surprised how many people that asked for mentorship, get the yes response and don't follow up on it because they're intimidated.

It's ridiculous. So find somebody that they can bring some value to your life and bring value to their life. 

Justin Singletary: There you go. 

KC Craichy: Don't ask them for stuff. Ask them to mentor you and, and, and accept what they have to tell you and, and, and make it a party.

And then you can go out and dominate. 

Justin Singletary: You got it. Add value to their life.

Absolutely. So as far as, I know there's, there's so much I want to talk about as far as the word goes. And, but I want to ask you, how has faith really guided your journey in your business? 

KC Craichy: That's a really good question because, you know, a lot of people don't think that that should be in your business.

And, and I got to tell you that, you know, the word of God is true and, you know, they talk about, you know, that so many people have a story about the word and scriptures that actually have impacted them in really incredible ways. And so, wisdom comes from above and making godly decisions. You mean look at Solomon.

I mean, Solomon was a wise man in the history of the world until he wasn't, you know, and so, so the word of God has so much in it that is literally important to your business. It's important to your life. It's important to your interactions. But if you remember that your business is relationships, you know, so no one has gone, I mean, people are in relationship with you through your business, they trust you, you deliver a certain level of excellence, a certain level of product.

It's very important. And, and being excellent, I think is really important, you know? So, so people say that, you know, they, they, they. Let's talk about, like, now comes faith, low faith, hope and love and the greatest of these is love, you know. We all talk about faith, and faith moves mountains and that, you know, love is, is you know, God is love, you know and 

Justin Singletary: Yeah. 

KC Craichy: Those are really important concepts. So, we, if you look in the middle and say that word hope. We use that word so much, like hope so maybe, so it's not the way it's designed. That word is actually a key to those three. A Psalms tells us that faith is undergirded by love, okay, and and we talk about faith moves mountains, but how does it move mountains?

Well, that word hope is the same word as vision. Positive vision for the future. So we say my people perish, without a vision my people perish. It's saying without hope, my people perish with hopelessness and my people perish. You got to realize that in order to have a business, in order to have a business, you have to implement faith. But until you see it, you know, someone runs a business is called a visionary. You see, you have to have a vision, means you need to see where you're going, see the future and then attach the currency of faith to that vision in order to walk into that reality. And that is a there's a that is a concept that It is so valuable if people will grab onto that. You, you, you really, it literally can be the key to your business, your next business, or even your current business.

The Lord says, call upon me and I will answer and show you great and mighty things you do not know. So if you don't have your whole vision yet, then implement that part: Lord, show me. That once he shows you, and then believing is seeing, not seeing is believing. So when you can actually see, and see where you're going in your business, where you're going in your plan.

Then you have to sell your vision to, first of all, your wife, because y'all two or more gathered together in agreement regarding anything, they shall ask that the Lord is in the midst to bring it to pass. So that's one piece, but as a visionary, you then have to sell the next person that joins your business on your vision.

And then the next person, the next person, the next person. If you see that you have hired somebody in your business that doesn't see it, doesn't believe it. Then that person should not be in your business because that's like a cancer upon your business. So come together in agreement and seeing the future together And then because in agreement has the currency of faith to the vision and walk into 

Justin Singletary: That's good. So I think you quoted jeremiah 33: 3. 

KC Craichy: Yes.

Justin Singletary: And also, you were talking about Solomon. I was also thinking about Solomon where he says the, the the conclusion of the matter human is to fear him and obey his commandments. And that's where it's like

KC Craichy: That, that, that, yeah. So, so Ecclesiastes 12. Yeah. 

Justin Singletary: Yep. 

KC Craichy: People read Ecclesiastes and they miss that one little version.

Justin Singletary: They missed it. 

KC Craichy: You a said it, fear God and do what he said. 

Justin Singletary: That's it. 

KC Craichy: I mean, it's pretty simple, folks. 

Justin Singletary: It it is. 

KC Craichy: It's really important. 

Justin Singletary: And Solomon was the wisest. I guess, considered one of the wisest men until he started messing around with the women. 

KC Craichy: That's right. Well, God says those women are gonna take you down.

That's, he goes, oh, no, I can handle it. I'm pretty wise. 

Justin Singletary: Oh no. 

KC Craichy: Yeah, right. So, 

Justin Singletary: No, no, no. That's a powerful force. So as far as in leadership in your business, you touched on some things when, do you think it's wise to hire people of the same faith or do you see that as a discipleship kind of opportunity where somebody is leaning that direction?

They've got all the skill sets. So, so how do you handle those sort of things with hiring and keep? 

KC Craichy: Well, I don't know. I'm not really a big fan of missionary dating. You know, if you're going to bring them in, you know, hire the people who already see things the way you see them. And, and pray with them and, and believe with them and disciple them, but not, your business should not, in my view, be a, you know, an opportunity to try to bring people to Christ.

I mean, yes, definitely do that, but that's not, to me, it's easier if you bring team people from the same team on. 

Justin Singletary: That's good. That's good. And my business is a little difficult because, you know, we've got hundreds, you know, we've got a lot of employees, so, you know, when it comes to hiring people, we're looking for the skill set, but it's almost like when they're here, it's a good way, we've, we've got like a Bible study that, that happens, on Thursdays, and it's a good way to be able to bring people in. But I'm thinking if I was, if I was a company where I had less employees, like when we started, everybody's got to be aligned, like we have to be aligned.

KC Craichy: But in your case, do you just have to walk it out? You have to walk the walk and talk the talk, you know, cause they're watching. 

Justin Singletary: Everybody watching. 

We're all witnesses, right? We're either good witnesses or bad witnesses.

KC Craichy: That's right. So as long as you're living it, you know, you are being an evangelist.

Justin Singletary: That's good. That's good. So as far as your products, how many SKUs do you guys have? How many products do you have now? 

KC Craichy: But we have less than 10 SKUs. 

Justin Singletary: 10 SKUs. 

KC Craichy: Well, by the way, somebody joining, starting a business? Keep the SKUs down, man. Keep the SKUs down. 

Justin Singletary: What the best advice right now. People come to me and they're like, I got 300 SKUs.

I'm like, okay, well, they're doing 10, let's say 90 percent on 10 SKUs or less. 90 percent of their business. 

KC Craichy: I would guarantee that's the case. 

Justin Singletary: Great advice. 

KC Craichy: Why are you selling the other few hundred? You're not selling them, you're just warehousing them. 

Justin Singletary: It's an emotional attachment, I feel like it is. So the, the, the, the good advice right there is, is reduce your SKUs.

 And to anybody listening here, I mean, I know you, you, people like to develop more products and they want a bigger brand and more products, but they're usually selling the bulk of whatever, whatever they launched on. Whatever was the product that the, that really the customers loved. Let's continue to improve that product.

KC Craichy: Amen, brother. I couldn't agree with you more. 

Justin Singletary: Well, as far as the next steps for you guys, are you doing anything outside of e-commerce? Is that really, is that, that your sole, sole attention right now? 

KC Craichy: Well, we do education and we do, we do products throug- e commerce. So we're, we're, we're taking it to new levels on the, on the education side, but we haven't released that yet so 

Justin Singletary: Awesome. What about marketing wise? Do you have any tips for marketing? Are you using anything new that's working for you guys? 

KC Craichy: Well, you know, we are looking at some new things because this cell phone pinging towers and the information available, all those things is pretty extraordinary. But he's staying with the dancing with the one that brung you.

First of all, we don't, we don't advertise so much. In fact, even when I do, you know, like a TikTok and, and Instagram and those kinds of things, it's all tips, you know, trying to help people's life be better without spending any money with me. So So the way, the way we try to do is we try to be a blessing to everybody.

And a lot of ways, you know, especially sewing and reading that kind of ends up coming back to us in a positive way. 

Justin Singletary: So your customer acquisition strategy really revolves around more word of mouth. Getting it right out of the gate so they tell others? 

KC Craichy: That's right. And that's the way it's been for, for all 23 years that we've been doing it.

Justin Singletary: That's nice. You don't have to spend much money on advertising, like you've already developed a great product and now they're going to, your, your customers are going to be advocates for you. That's the best way. 

KC Craichy: Yes, sir. 

Justin Singletary: That's awesome. 

KC Craichy: Praise the lord for that. 

Justin Singletary: Yeah. He is good. Well, as far as, I just want to ask, I've got across from me, my marketing director, Nick, and he's been listening.

Nick, you got any questions right now for KC? 

Nick: I think it's just phenomenal. We really appreciate the input. 

Justin Singletary: He says he, we really appreciate the input. Go ahead, Nick. 

Nick: Yeah, I think this is great just to be able to provide great feedback to the e-commerce audience. There's lots of other e-commerce brands here listening to this and I think many folks are going to benefit this and try to tune their business.

Justin Singletary: Man, he's just saying thank you. It's pretty awesome that you're helping other brands by your advice. And you're drawing everything into the most important part is back to Him, you know, that's the most important part of all this so 

KC Craichy: Glorify Him in all you do.

Justin Singletary: That's right and he, He will light your path. Well, is there any other you think any other brands that you're, that you're watching that you're thinking they're doing the right thing as well? Is there anybody else that you're really excited about out there e-commerce wise? 

KC Craichy: You know. There's a lot of people trying to change the model of a multi level marketing.

Justin Singletary: Yep.

KC Craichy: And I haven't seen it done right yet, but I think that they're going to hit because the overall model, we basically have something similar to that model in that people tell people how great it is and they buy it without any financial incentive to do that, you know what I'm saying? But the whole model of being paid to tell somebody to buy, you know, and it never has worked very well in nutrition.

They'll work for a little while and then go away. But somebody is going to get that right where they can get the incentives right to where if you can just be a member and buy something at a price, you couldn't buy some from, you know, otherwise, or some other kind of benefits, then I think that's going to work at some point.

So, so I keep watching that, but I really am not a fan yet. 

Justin Singletary: Wow. Well, I think you're right. It is going to hit for somebody if they got came, come up with the right formula. So Living Fuel Super Meals, I'm really excited that this company is out there. I really want to try the products myself. 

KC Craichy: Awesome.

Justin Singletary: Because it, it sounds like it's like the, the the manna. You know, this is it. This is all you need. 

KC Craichy: You know, it's funny because we've prayed from the beginning. We've prayed that the, that the Living Fuel is like the anointed cloths of Paul. You know, where they would take aprons and cloths and anoint them and send them to people.

They'd be healed and delivered and set free. 

Justin Singletary: Yep. 

KC Craichy: We believe that's going on. That's what we're praying and we believe it. And by faith that that is happening. 

Justin Singletary: I really do think some deliverance happens through through the foods that we eat. And then some some of the opposite happens through some of the non-foods that we call foods that we eat as well. 

KC Craichy: Amen to that.

Justin Singletary: So as far as fulfillment, what would you say if somebody would ask you, you know, what does fulfillment mean to you? How would you respond to that? 

KC Craichy: Well, whether I'm doing it myself or whether I have a contractor, doing it for me , it's the customer calls in the same day the stuff ships and it's just, just seamless.

Ah, you know, and to me, to me, it's like, I don't have to worry about the warehouse. I'll get my inventory reports. But if an order comes in on my website, it's been on a hit the same day. Some, it's going to ship the same day and people only get their stuff, you know, so. 

Justin Singletary: Man, they need to fast. 

KC Craichy: It's not something you want to focus on. You just want to make sure that it's not there. 

Justin Singletary: No, what about your life wise? What is fulfillment in your life? What does that mean to you? Like you're, you're in your deathbed looking back and you're like, Oh man, I'm really, really excited that, that I, I lived life this way. What does that sort of fulfillment look like to you as well?

KC Craichy: Well, if the Lord has said, well done, good and faithful servant, then I'm fulfilled. I want to hear that from the Lord, but I want people to recognize that it was done well, you know.

Justin Singletary: That's right.

KC Craichy: In the name of Jesus. 

Justin Singletary: That's good. That's good I'm so excited. There's not a lot of businesses out there that can include their face.

I'm really excited. We, we try to do that and that's why I was asking you if there's anybody else out there that you see that that's including, that is putting Him at the center of it? I want to be a part of that business. I want to follow that business I want to just pay attention to what's going on, and more importantly, I want to support that business. So I do want to 

KC Craichy: Well, I would, I would say yes. Eric Zielinski and his wife Sabrina, I don't know if you've heard of them or not, but they're, they're the gurus in essential oils. 

Justin Singletary: Okay. 

KC Craichy: They do the education books, the bestselling books. She's basically Martha Stewart without the, without the jail time.

You know, she's literally like the most extraordinary person as far as being able to, to cook and make things beautiful and that sort of thing. So, they're out of Atlanta and they're doing great things. 

Justin Singletary: Awesome. Okay, well reach out, they'll reach out. Is there anything else that you want to add in here that you want people to know about your brand, that you want them to know about you?

KC Craichy: Well, thank you and I just want to be a blessing, you know, blessed to be a blessing and, and so in a reaping it comes back and so. 

Justin Singletary: That's right. 

KC Craichy: That's what I really want to do for people and, and if they're, if they're struggling with anything in their health, you know, you know, and they want to call, they want to or email or whatever, you know, we generally will try to get them to the right people or give them the right advice, that sort of thing.

Because, you know, the body has all, everybody's body has certain needs and most people are sick and tired of being sick and tired and conventional medicine is not helping them at all. The whole COVID fiasco has caused people to get you know, shots that they didn't need or want and not realizing that even years later they have consequences from the toxins in their body and they can still be detox and all sorts of things.

There's so many things that I just want to tell people, there's hope no matter where you're at, whether you've been diagnosed with cancer or you're still struggling from the COVID shot. You know, there is hope and, and hope is Jesus. No matter what your problem is, Jesus is the answer. I, I don't want to be so too simplistic, but, but ultimately it's in the word and, and the word is powerful and, and, and sharp.

You know, he's, He's alive and, and He says that he came that you have life and life more abundantly. So I pray that you live the abundant life of the Lord Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus. 

Justin Singletary: Hallelujah. What's your favorite book in scripture? 

KC Craichy: You know, I like Ephesians a lot. 

Justin Singletary: Ephesians a lot. That's awesome.

That's beautiful. What is the most important thing that you want people to know about your brand? About this product brand that's been around for 20 years. Living Fuel Super Meals. What's the most important thing that you could say about your business? 

KC Craichy: No matter how, no matter what you've tried. No matter what you're taking, if you're not taking Living Fuel, you're not having the best you can do for your body, period.

I don't care who or what, or what price level —it just simply doesn't exist. Living Fuel is the elite in nutrition. 

Justin Singletary: That is strong. That's wonderful. KC, thank you so much for your time today, sir. 

KC Craichy: Awesome. Well, God bless you guys. 

Justin Singletary: Bless you. Thank you, sir. Appreciate it, KC. Bye.

KC Craichy
Living Fuel

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